How do I register? |
You can register by clicking on the "Sign Up" link at the top right corner of the homepage. Please provide the information in the form that appears. You can review the terms and conditions, provide your payment mode details and submit the registration information. |
Are there any charges for registration? |
No. Registration on is absolutely free. |
Do I have to necessarily register to shop on Sunpro Ecommerce? |
You can surf and add products to the cart without registration but only registered shoppers will be able to checkout and place orders. Registered members have to be logged in at the time of checking out the cart, they will be prompted to do so if they are not logged in. |
Can I have multiple registrations? |
Each email address and contact phone number can only be associated with one Sunpro Ecommerce account. |
Can I add more than one delivery address in an account? |
Yes, you can add multiple delivery addresses in your Sunpro Ecommerce account. However, remember that all items placed in a single order can only be delivered to one address. If you want different products delivered to different address you need to place them as separate orders. |
Can I have multiple accounts with same mobile number and email id? |
Each email address and phone number can be associated with one Sunpro Ecommerce account only. |
Can I have multiple accounts for members in my family with different mobile and email address? |
Yes, we do understand the importance of time and the toil involved in shopping groceries. Up to three members in a family can have the same address provided the email address and phone number associated with the accounts are unique. |
Can I have different city addresses under one account and still place orders for multiple cities? |
Yes, you can place orders for multiple cities. |
Account Related
What is My Account? |
My Account is the section you reach after you log in at My Account allows you to track your active orders, credit note details as well as see your order history and update your contact details. |
How do I reset my password? |
You need to enter your email address on the Login page and click on forgot password. An email with a reset password will be sent to your email address. With this, you can change your password. In case of any further issues please contact our customer support team. |
What are credit notes & where can I see my credit notes? |
Credit notes reflect the amount of money which you have pending in your Sunpro Ecommerce account to use against future purchases. This is calculated by deducting your total order value minus undelivered value. You can see this in “My Account” under credit note details. |
What is My Shopping List? |
My Shopping List is a comprehensive list of all the items previously ordered by you on This enables you to shop quickly and easily in future. |
How Does it Work
Where do the products come from? |
All Sunpro Ecommerce Specialty orders are processed from your local trusted neighborhood store and delivered to you by the Sunpro Ecommerce team. If you are not happy with any product, we have a No-Questions-Asked Return Policy and you can return them to our executive. We would also love feedback on the stores listed on Sunpro Ecommerce Specialty so that we can bring to you quality products from good stores only. Please note that Sunpro Ecommerce is only facilitating the purchase of your favorite product from your local store. Sunpro Ecommerce is NOT responsible for the quality of the product. |
How will I know if any item in my order is unavailable? |
We try to make sure the inventory at the store is always updated so that your order can be fulfilled at all times. However, in case an item you ordered is unavailable at the store you selected, our order fulfilment team will notify you of the same in quick time. They will also suggest possible alternatives for the out of stock product should you desire to change the order. |
What are the operational hours for Sunpro Ecommerce Specialty Stores? |
Sunpro Ecommerce Specialty products are available for ordering only during the operational hours of the Specialty store. After a store is closed, orders are scheduled for delivery in the first slot available during the next operational day of the store. Please note that the store operating times shown are also adjusted for product availability and delivery times. You can also place an order in advance in a slot convenient to you. The option will be available to you on the checkout page. |